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Resuscitation theatre
Resuscitation Theatre
Resuscitation Theatre is an innovation company founded by Maggie Hannan. It exists as a type of defibrillator for classic texts: beloved literature of the past is reworked into modern forms that are accessible to contemporary audiences.

In Abu Dhabi, Resuscitation Theatre has explored a new initiative: the meshing of Arab and English culture. Nowhere was this more in evidence than in its recent production of The Rivals, as part of Abu Dhabi Festival. The costume blend and Emiratisation of the text created a truly unique for of theatre. Resuscitation will continue to creative innovative, multi-cultural work that reflects the rich tapestry of Abu Dhabi.
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Resuscitation Theatre

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Resuscitation Theatre

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Trojan Women presented with a new play, Horqos


"... imaginative use of space and lighting leaves you wanting more...
audience involvement helped heighten the anticipation of what was to come.
If this is the beginning, I look forward to seeing the end!"
- Kevyn Morrow, Broadway Performer.
Resuscitation Theatre